the blog of jewelry designer

January 19, 2014


January is the universal reset, it's the great "creator of space."  I'm engaging in January, and dedicated to clarity, simplicity, and being organized.  
A visual I borrowed from a great blog about simplifying, One Simple Thing
Last March I was introduced to an amazing book that has helped me lead by priority (here's a post I wrote about it).  The book, "Getting Things Done" by David Allen came to me as a tip from two great friends - one of them was Tommy, whose desire to help me get organized may be far more urgent now that we live together!  I've committed, this January, to taking "Getting Things Done" to the next level.

And it's gotten personal.  I've begun working with a virtual coach on staff at David Allen Company, home of Getting Things Done (GTD).  It makes me think of the new movie Her, in which Joaquin Phoenix's character falls deeply in love with his Virtual Operating System.  It's easy to understand how he could!  My virtual GTD coach, Julie Ireland, has given me motivation and structure, and encourages me to trust myself.  So much of getting things done is just having the courage and confidence to tackle it.  

Love this quote, by Michael McGriffy
Here's what it is. 
At the lovely age of 42 I am realizing with greater clarity that I'm a woman with powerful tools and resources, and with mentors all around me.  My challenge is to create a framework from which I can operate at my highest capacity, effectively and efficiently, using my own resources and tools. That's the "trust myself" part.

My goal for working with Getting Things Done?  

To clear out the cobwebs that interfere with my creativity.  Actually, those "cobwebs" can be amazing thoughts and ideas that will serve me well as long as I use them, and interpret them wisely.  David Allen's method is based on the rule:  "Do it, Delegate it, Defer it, Drop it."  This was my weekend, to get in and get dirty.  I've focused on geting on top of my Outlook.  Next, it's my personal space, my office on Turtle Creek and the area I've carved out in my new home for writing and design.  My aim is to be able to move seamlessly between the two, never compromising time or creativity in the process.
I am finally learning Outlook, not just using it

Here's my new mantra:  Simplicity, clarity and focus!

You've got to think about the big things while you're doing the small things, 
so that the small things go in the right direction. 
- Alvin Toffler  

Feel Beautiful!

January 1, 2014


I wrote this post this New Year's Eve, December 31, 2013 -- I was out in the country of Mississippi 2 days ago, my wifi was challenged and we just discovered it hadn't posted, so here's my New Year message to release whatever is in your way to create a beautiful space for your dreams!

New Years is so sweet - when done compassionately, it's the best kind of celebration.  It's the moment in the year when we are encouraged to stop and acknowledge our accomplishments.  It's a time to give a nod to the ups and downs, and to say a quick thanks to the people who've accompanied us along the way.  

This New Years, I'm excited to begin a new tradition that I learned years ago on one of my many trips to Thailand.  Once the afternoon light wanes, Tommy and I, along with many of our family and friends, will light Sky Lanterns and release them into the night sky.   It's my hope that with the lanterns, we'll each send off a wish and a dream, releasing them to create the space to come true.  The lanterns will mark the passage of the old year, and welcome the surprises of the new.  

Our first sky lantern, also known as a wish lantern, into the Mississippi sky.
After the last lantern flickers out, we'll light our bottle rockets and roman candles, and send 2013 off with fanfare!

Happy New Year, my friends.

Feel Beautiful!