I am staying a week in Winter Park, CO with my best friend from childhood, Ali, her husband J, their 4-year old son, Sam, and a mutual friend from high school, Clay. My dog, Whitney, my friend Clay and I hiked up one of Winter Park's mountains to Sunspot to eat lunch during my time here--we both had yummy bison burgers and fries. It rained on us a little on the way back down, but we enjoyed it all, especially seeing how much fun Whitney had off the leash! She ran off for a few minutes, but Clay and I split up and found her, thank God!
After our hike, Whitney was soaking wet, so we put her in the back of my MINI Cooper--she actually stayed back there and seemed content in her little space. There happens to be a large annual gathering of MINI Cooper enthusiasts here in Winter Park--go to MINIs in the mountains for more info--it's occurring now, August 12-15th--there are about 325 MINIs in town right now--we saw 22 in a row this morning on the highway!!
Hi Ali!! Hi Elizabeth!! ((Who is Clay?))