the blog of jewelry designer

December 22, 2013


Creating my Last Minute Gift Guide for the holidays has gotten me thinking.  I can't count how many people have asked "What would be perfect for the girl who has everything?" 

It's a challenge, we all have so much!  And yet the holidays are about being delighted.  As much as I love a beautiful jewel, I am far more inspired to offer the message that comes with my jewels --  I think the best gift for the girl who has everything is the reminder to Feel Beautiful!

Check out my Last Minute Gift Guide here

Crafting a Last Minute Gift Guide for you has also made me reflect on my own wish list.  It occurs to me that this year (a year of big changes, all so positive), I truly am a "girl who has everything."  

Here's what my Christmas wish list looks like, each item on it is based in gratitude for having all in the world I really need.

  I want to use my down time to grow

I've added a commute to my life, up to 2 hours a day that I know I can use productively.  I'd love a subscription to Audible, an "audio book store" with a huge range of fiction, non-fiction and podcasts.  

And since I'm so often on the move, I need a bigger collection of reading glasses (why is it they're always where I'm not!?)  EyeBobs are my favorites.  
Audible has great gift subscriptions / These are EyeBobs "Co-Conspirator"
I want to feel healthy and comfortable

Tommy has me running again, and it's nice not to be tied to a schedule for my workouts.  Nike shorts and an Under Armour jacket are perfect running gear for this time of year.  

I have favorite workout clothes that have kind of become "signatures", and anyone who knows me well will attest that I'm as likely to wear them to work as I am to a workout!  Unfortunately, I can't find many of my favorite pieces any more, but I LOVE this LuluLemon hoodie. 
Under Armour's Studio Luxe jacket / My fav Nike shorts / Fab form-fitting Lulu hoodie

I want to be rested and present

It's been said that a good night's sleep is the answer to every question, and I believe it.  My ritual typically includes a great cup of green tea and a lounge-y pair of  PJ's.  And in a pinch, a great stand-in for sleep is always massage. 

Massage Envy has gift cards! / Hanro loungewear / EZ green tea
I want to feel connected to the people I love

As the year passes into memory, what I'd like most are just sweet, heartfelt notes from the people I love.  From friends new and old, from family whose time and attention I often take for granted, and from Tommy and his precious kids.  These are the gifts I cherish the most.  

So the best thing you can offer the girl who has everything?  
The blessings of growth, presence, friendship and love.  May your holiday be full of all.

Feel beautiful!

December 8, 2013


We ventured out this morning, and found Fred's Texas Café open, had a holiday-infused quail with eggs.  

Icicles are hanging from any perch, suspended in crazy shapes.  The roads in Fort Worth are like skating rinks, and hardly a soul is on them.

Inspired by frozen peace, time feels like it's standing still.  I'm seeing all sorts of possibility, in jewels and in life.  

It's perfect weather for creating Inspiration Boards.  
Kaleidoscope earring, a stack of tree-textured rings, warm with a bit of edge like the hand-knit tea set.  

Bird's Nest ring in turquoise is a little hint at life, a dream inspired by some favorite charcoal drawings and a winter sea/escape.

As clear and shivery as the Poles, Deco earring is set with many translucent stones.  Here in green amethyst.   

Vintage Chandelier earring in pyrite, inspired by a fantasy getaway.  
Maltese Cross hoops and the Soleil earring, each designed to reflect the translucence of sun on ice.

this December,
that love weighs more than Gold."
- Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon

Let it capture your imagination. 

Feel beautiful,